DDraceNetwork Docs
system.h File Reference
#include "detect.h"
#include "types.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
Include dependency graph for system.h:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  NETSTATS
class  CCmdlineFix
struct  std::hash< NETADDR >


#define __USE_GNU
#define PRIzu   "zu"
#define dbg_assert(test, fmt, ...)
#define str_format   str_format_opt
#define FORMAT_TIME   "%H:%M:%S"
#define FORMAT_SPACE   "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
#define FORMAT_NOSPACE   "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"


typedef std::function< void(const char *message)> DBG_ASSERT_HANDLER
typedef struct ASYNCIO ASYNCIO
typedef sem_t SEMAPHORE
typedef int UNIXSOCKET
typedef struct sockaddr_un UNIXSOCKETADDR
typedef pid_t PROCESS


enum  ESeekOrigin { IOSEEK_START = 0 , IOSEEK_CUR = 1 , IOSEEK_END = 2 }
enum  ETimeSeason {
enum  {
enum class  EShellExecuteWindowState { EShellExecuteWindowState::FOREGROUND , EShellExecuteWindowState::BACKGROUND }


void dbg_assert_imp (const char *filename, int line, const char *fmt,...)
bool dbg_assert_has_failed ()
void dbg_break ()
void dbg_assert_set_handler (DBG_ASSERT_HANDLER handler)
void dbg_msg (const char *sys, const char *fmt,...)
void mem_copy (void *dest, const void *source, size_t size)
void mem_move (void *dest, const void *source, size_t size)
template<typename T >
void mem_zero (T *block, size_t size)
int mem_comp (const void *a, const void *b, size_t size)
bool mem_has_null (const void *block, size_t size)
IOHANDLE io_open (const char *filename, int flags)
unsigned io_read (IOHANDLE io, void *buffer, unsigned size)
bool io_read_all (IOHANDLE io, void **result, unsigned *result_len)
char * io_read_all_str (IOHANDLE io)
int io_skip (IOHANDLE io, int64_t size)
int io_seek (IOHANDLE io, int64_t offset, ESeekOrigin origin)
int64_t io_tell (IOHANDLE io)
int64_t io_length (IOHANDLE io)
unsigned io_write (IOHANDLE io, const void *buffer, unsigned size)
bool io_write_newline (IOHANDLE io)
int io_close (IOHANDLE io)
int io_flush (IOHANDLE io)
int io_sync (IOHANDLE io)
int io_error (IOHANDLE io)
IOHANDLE io_stdin ()
IOHANDLE io_stdout ()
IOHANDLE io_stderr ()
IOHANDLE io_current_exe ()
void aio_lock (ASYNCIO *aio)
void aio_unlock (ASYNCIO *aio)
void aio_write (ASYNCIO *aio, const void *buffer, unsigned size)
void aio_write_newline (ASYNCIO *aio)
void aio_write_unlocked (ASYNCIO *aio, const void *buffer, unsigned size)
void aio_write_newline_unlocked (ASYNCIO *aio)
int aio_error (ASYNCIO *aio)
void aio_close (ASYNCIO *aio)
void aio_wait (ASYNCIO *aio)
void aio_free (ASYNCIO *aio)
void * thread_init (void(*threadfunc)(void *), void *user, const char *name)
void thread_wait (void *thread)
void thread_yield ()
void thread_detach (void *thread)
void thread_init_and_detach (void(*threadfunc)(void *), void *user, const char *name)
void sphore_init (SEMAPHORE *sem)
void sphore_wait (SEMAPHORE *sem)
void sphore_signal (SEMAPHORE *sem)
void sphore_destroy (SEMAPHORE *sem)
void set_new_tick ()
int64_t time_get_impl ()
int64_t time_get ()
int64_t time_freq ()
int64_t time_timestamp ()
int time_houroftheday ()
ETimeSeason time_season ()
void net_init ()
int net_host_lookup (const char *hostname, NETADDR *addr, int types)
int net_addr_comp (const NETADDR *a, const NETADDR *b)
int net_addr_comp_noport (const NETADDR *a, const NETADDR *b)
void net_addr_str (const NETADDR *addr, char *string, int max_length, bool add_port)
int net_addr_from_url (NETADDR *addr, const char *string, char *host_buf, size_t host_buf_size)
bool net_addr_is_local (const NETADDR *addr)
int net_addr_from_str (NETADDR *addr, const char *string)
int net_socket_type (NETSOCKET sock)
NETSOCKET net_udp_create (NETADDR bindaddr)
int net_udp_send (NETSOCKET sock, const NETADDR *addr, const void *data, int size)
int net_udp_recv (NETSOCKET sock, NETADDR *addr, unsigned char **data)
int net_udp_close (NETSOCKET sock)
NETSOCKET net_tcp_create (NETADDR bindaddr)
int net_tcp_listen (NETSOCKET sock, int backlog)
int net_tcp_accept (NETSOCKET sock, NETSOCKET *new_sock, NETADDR *addr)
int net_tcp_connect (NETSOCKET sock, const NETADDR *addr)
int net_tcp_send (NETSOCKET sock, const void *data, int size)
int net_tcp_recv (NETSOCKET sock, void *data, int maxsize)
int net_tcp_close (NETSOCKET sock)
UNIXSOCKET net_unix_create_unnamed ()
int net_unix_send (UNIXSOCKET sock, UNIXSOCKETADDR *addr, void *data, int size)
void net_unix_set_addr (UNIXSOCKETADDR *addr, const char *path)
void net_unix_close (UNIXSOCKET sock)
void str_append (char *dst, const char *src, int dst_size)
template<int N>
void str_append (char(&dst)[N], const char *src)
int str_copy (char *dst, const char *src, int dst_size)
template<int N>
void str_copy (char(&dst)[N], const char *src)
void str_utf8_truncate (char *dst, int dst_size, const char *src, int truncation_len)
void str_truncate (char *dst, int dst_size, const char *src, int truncation_len)
int str_length (const char *str)
int str_format_v (char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format, va_list args)
int str_format (char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format,...)
int str_format_int (char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, int value)
template<typename... Args>
int str_format_opt (char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format, Args... args)
int str_format_opt (char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format, int val)
const char * str_trim_words (const char *str, int words)
bool str_has_cc (const char *str)
void str_sanitize_cc (char *str)
void str_sanitize (char *str)
void str_sanitize_filename (char *str)
void str_clean_whitespaces (char *str)
char * str_skip_to_whitespace (char *str)
const char * str_skip_to_whitespace_const (const char *str)
char * str_skip_whitespaces (char *str)
const char * str_skip_whitespaces_const (const char *str)
int str_comp_nocase (const char *a, const char *b)
int str_comp_nocase_num (const char *a, const char *b, int num)
int str_comp (const char *a, const char *b)
int str_comp_num (const char *a, const char *b, int num)
int str_comp_filenames (const char *a, const char *b)
const char * str_startswith_nocase (const char *str, const char *prefix)
const char * str_startswith (const char *str, const char *prefix)
const char * str_endswith_nocase (const char *str, const char *suffix)
const char * str_endswith (const char *str, const char *suffix)
int str_utf8_dist (const char *a, const char *b)
int str_utf8_dist_buffer (const char *a, const char *b, int *buf, int buf_len)
int str_utf32_dist_buffer (const int *a, int a_len, const int *b, int b_len, int *buf, int buf_len)
const char * str_find_nocase (const char *haystack, const char *needle)
const char * str_find (const char *haystack, const char *needle)
bool str_delimiters_around_offset (const char *haystay, const char *delim, int offset, int *start, int *end)
const char * str_rchr (const char *haystack, char needle)
int str_countchr (const char *haystack, char needle)
void str_hex (char *dst, int dst_size, const void *data, int data_size)
void str_hex_cstyle (char *dst, int dst_size, const void *data, int data_size, int bytes_per_line=12)
int str_hex_decode (void *dst, int dst_size, const char *src)
void str_base64 (char *dst, int dst_size, const void *data, int data_size)
int str_base64_decode (void *dst, int dst_size, const char *data)
void str_timestamp (char *buffer, int buffer_size)
void str_timestamp_format (char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format)
void str_timestamp_ex (time_t time, char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format)
bool timestamp_from_str (const char *string, const char *format, time_t *timestamp)
int str_time (int64_t centisecs, int format, char *buffer, int buffer_size)
int str_time_float (float secs, int format, char *buffer, int buffer_size)
void str_escape (char **dst, const char *src, const char *end)
void fs_listdir (const char *dir, FS_LISTDIR_CALLBACK cb, int type, void *user)
void fs_listdir_fileinfo (const char *dir, FS_LISTDIR_CALLBACK_FILEINFO cb, int type, void *user)
int fs_makedir (const char *path)
int fs_removedir (const char *path)
int fs_makedir_rec_for (const char *path)
int fs_storage_path (const char *appname, char *path, int max)
int fs_is_file (const char *path)
int fs_is_dir (const char *path)
int fs_is_relative_path (const char *path)
int fs_chdir (const char *path)
char * fs_getcwd (char *buffer, int buffer_size)
const char * fs_filename (const char *path)
void fs_split_file_extension (const char *filename, char *name, size_t name_size, char *extension=nullptr, size_t extension_size=0)
int fs_parent_dir (char *path)
int fs_remove (const char *filename)
int fs_rename (const char *oldname, const char *newname)
int fs_file_time (const char *name, time_t *created, time_t *modified)
int net_tcp_connect_non_blocking (NETSOCKET sock, NETADDR bindaddr)
int net_set_non_blocking (NETSOCKET sock)
int net_set_blocking (NETSOCKET sock)
int net_errno ()
int net_would_block ()
int net_socket_read_wait (NETSOCKET sock, int time)
void swap_endian (void *data, unsigned elem_size, unsigned num)
void net_stats (NETSTATS *stats)
int str_toint (const char *str)
bool str_toint (const char *str, int *out)
int str_toint_base (const char *str, int base)
unsigned long str_toulong_base (const char *str, int base)
int64_t str_toint64_base (const char *str, int base=10)
float str_tofloat (const char *str)
bool str_tofloat (const char *str, float *out)
int str_isspace (char c)
char str_uppercase (char c)
bool str_isnum (char c)
int str_isallnum (const char *str)
int str_isallnum_hex (const char *str)
unsigned str_quickhash (const char *str)
int str_utf8_to_skeleton (const char *str, int *buf, int buf_len)
int str_utf8_comp_confusable (const char *str1, const char *str2)
int str_utf8_tolower (int code)
int str_utf8_comp_nocase (const char *a, const char *b)
int str_utf8_comp_nocase_num (const char *a, const char *b, int num)
const char * str_utf8_find_nocase (const char *haystack, const char *needle, const char **end=nullptr)
int str_utf8_isspace (int code)
int str_utf8_isstart (char c)
const char * str_utf8_skip_whitespaces (const char *str)
void str_utf8_trim_right (char *param)
int str_utf8_rewind (const char *str, int cursor)
int str_utf8_fix_truncation (char *str)
int str_utf8_forward (const char *str, int cursor)
int str_utf8_decode (const char **ptr)
int str_utf8_encode (char *ptr, int chr)
int str_utf8_check (const char *str)
void str_utf8_copy_num (char *dst, const char *src, int dst_size, int num)
void str_utf8_stats (const char *str, size_t max_size, size_t max_count, size_t *size, size_t *count)
size_t str_utf8_offset_bytes_to_chars (const char *str, size_t byte_offset)
size_t str_utf8_offset_chars_to_bytes (const char *str, size_t char_offset)
const char * str_next_token (const char *str, const char *delim, char *buffer, int buffer_size)
int str_in_list (const char *list, const char *delim, const char *needle)
unsigned bytes_be_to_uint (const unsigned char *bytes)
void uint_to_bytes_be (unsigned char *bytes, unsigned value)
int pid ()
void cmdline_fix (int *argc, const char ***argv)
void cmdline_free (int argc, const char **argv)
PROCESS shell_execute (const char *file, EShellExecuteWindowState window_state, const char **arguments=nullptr, const size_t num_arguments=0)
int kill_process (PROCESS process)
bool is_process_alive (PROCESS process)
int open_link (const char *link)
int open_file (const char *path)
void generate_password (char *buffer, unsigned length, const unsigned short *random, unsigned random_length)
int secure_random_init ()
int secure_random_uninit ()
void secure_random_password (char *buffer, unsigned length, unsigned pw_length)
void secure_random_fill (void *bytes, unsigned length)
int secure_rand ()
int secure_rand_below (int below)
bool os_version_str (char *version, size_t length)
void os_locale_str (char *locale, size_t length)
std::chrono::nanoseconds time_get_nanoseconds ()
int net_socket_read_wait (NETSOCKET sock, std::chrono::nanoseconds nanoseconds)



Macro Definition Documentation


#define __USE_GNU


#define FORMAT_NOSPACE   "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"


#define FORMAT_SPACE   "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"


#define FORMAT_TIME   "%H:%M:%S"


#define GNUC_ATTRIBUTE (   x)



◆ PRIzu

#define PRIzu   "zu"

◆ str_format

#define str_format   str_format_opt

Typedef Documentation


typedef std::function<void(const char *message)> DBG_ASSERT_HANDLER


typedef sem_t SEMAPHORE

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Function Documentation

◆ bytes_be_to_uint()

unsigned bytes_be_to_uint ( const unsigned char *  bytes)

Packs 4 big endian bytes into an unsigned.

bytesPointer to an array of bytes that will be packed.
The packed unsigned.
Assumes the passed array is least 4 bytes in size.
Assumes unsigned is 4 bytes in size.
See also

◆ dbg_assert_set_handler()

void dbg_assert_set_handler ( DBG_ASSERT_HANDLER  handler)

◆ net_addr_from_str()

int net_addr_from_str ( NETADDR addr,
const char *  string 

Turns string into a network address.

addrAddress to fill in.
stringString to parse.
0 on success

◆ net_addr_from_url()

int net_addr_from_url ( NETADDR addr,
const char *  string,
char *  host_buf,
size_t  host_buf_size 

Turns url string into a network address struct. The url format is tw-0.6+udp://{ipaddr}[:{port}] ipaddr: can be ipv4 or ipv6 port: is a optional internet protocol port

This format is used for parsing the master server, be careful before changing it.

Examples: tw-0.6+udp:// tw-0.6+udp://

addrAddress to fill in.
stringString to parse.
host_bufPointer to a buffer to write the host to It will include the port if one is included in the url It can also be set to NULL then it will be ignored
host_buf_sizeSize of the host buffer or 0 if no host_buf pointer is given
0 on success, positive if the input wasn't a valid DDNet URL, negative if the input is a valid DDNet URL but the host part was not a valid IPv4/IPv6 address

◆ net_addr_is_local()

bool net_addr_is_local ( const NETADDR addr)

Checks if an address is local.

addrAddress to check.
true if the address is local, false otherwise.

◆ net_errno()

int net_errno ( )

◆ net_host_lookup()

int net_host_lookup ( const char *  hostname,
int  types 

◆ net_set_blocking()

int net_set_blocking ( NETSOCKET  sock)

◆ net_set_non_blocking()

int net_set_non_blocking ( NETSOCKET  sock)

◆ net_socket_read_wait() [1/2]

int net_socket_read_wait ( NETSOCKET  sock,
int  time 

◆ net_socket_read_wait() [2/2]

int net_socket_read_wait ( NETSOCKET  sock,
std::chrono::nanoseconds  nanoseconds 

◆ net_socket_type()

int net_socket_type ( NETSOCKET  sock)

◆ net_stats()

void net_stats ( NETSTATS stats)

◆ net_tcp_connect_non_blocking()

int net_tcp_connect_non_blocking ( NETSOCKET  sock,
NETADDR  bindaddr 

◆ net_udp_create()

NETSOCKET net_udp_create ( NETADDR  bindaddr)

◆ net_udp_recv()

int net_udp_recv ( NETSOCKET  sock,
unsigned char **  data 

◆ net_would_block()

int net_would_block ( )

◆ str_base64()

void str_base64 ( char *  dst,
int  dst_size,
const void *  data,
int  data_size 

◆ str_base64_decode()

int str_base64_decode ( void *  dst,
int  dst_size,
const char *  data 

◆ str_endswith()

const char * str_endswith ( const char *  str,
const char *  suffix 

◆ str_endswith_nocase()

const char * str_endswith_nocase ( const char *  str,
const char *  suffix 

◆ str_escape()

void str_escape ( char **  dst,
const char *  src,
const char *  end 

◆ str_find()

const char * str_find ( const char *  haystack,
const char *  needle 

◆ str_find_nocase()

const char * str_find_nocase ( const char *  haystack,
const char *  needle 

◆ str_format_int()

int str_format_int ( char *  buffer,
size_t  buffer_size,
int  value 

◆ str_format_opt() [1/2]

template<typename... Args>
int str_format_opt ( char *  buffer,
int  buffer_size,
const char *  format,
Args...  args 

◆ str_format_opt() [2/2]

int str_format_opt ( char *  buffer,
int  buffer_size,
const char *  format,
int  val 

◆ str_hex()

void str_hex ( char *  dst,
int  dst_size,
const void *  data,
int  data_size 

Takes a datablock and generates a hex string of it, with spaces between bytes.

dstBuffer to fill with hex data.
dst_sizeSize of the buffer (at least 3 * data_size + 1 to contain all data).
dataData to turn into hex.
data_sizeSize of the data.
The destination buffer will be zero-terminated.

◆ str_hex_cstyle()

void str_hex_cstyle ( char *  dst,
int  dst_size,
const void *  data,
int  data_size,
int  bytes_per_line = 12 

Takes a datablock and generates a hex string of it, in the C style array format, i.e. with bytes formatted in 0x00-0xFF notation and commas with spaces between the bytes. The output can be split over multiple lines by specifying the maximum number of bytes that should be printed per line.

dstBuffer to fill with hex data.
dst_sizeSize of the buffer (at least 6 * data_size + 1 to contain all data).
dataData to turn into hex.
data_sizeSize of the data.
bytes_per_lineAfter this many printed bytes a newline will be printed.
The destination buffer will be zero-terminated.

◆ str_hex_decode()

int str_hex_decode ( void *  dst,
int  dst_size,
const char *  src 

◆ str_in_list()

int str_in_list ( const char *  list,
const char *  delim,
const char *  needle 

◆ str_isallnum()

int str_isallnum ( const char *  str)

◆ str_isallnum_hex()

int str_isallnum_hex ( const char *  str)

◆ str_isnum()

bool str_isnum ( char  c)

◆ str_next_token()

const char * str_next_token ( const char *  str,
const char *  delim,
char *  buffer,
int  buffer_size 

◆ str_quickhash()

unsigned str_quickhash ( const char *  str)

◆ str_sanitize_filename()

void str_sanitize_filename ( char *  str)

Replaces all invalid filename characters with whitespace.

strString to sanitize.
The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.

◆ str_startswith_nocase()

const char * str_startswith_nocase ( const char *  str,
const char *  prefix 

◆ str_time()

int str_time ( int64_t  centisecs,
int  format,
char *  buffer,
int  buffer_size 

◆ str_time_float()

int str_time_float ( float  secs,
int  format,
char *  buffer,
int  buffer_size 

◆ str_timestamp()

void str_timestamp ( char *  buffer,
int  buffer_size 

◆ str_timestamp_ex()

void str_timestamp_ex ( time_t  time,
char *  buffer,
int  buffer_size,
const char *  format 

◆ str_timestamp_format()

void str_timestamp_format ( char *  buffer,
int  buffer_size,
const char *  format 

◆ str_tofloat() [1/2]

float str_tofloat ( const char *  str)

◆ str_tofloat() [2/2]

bool str_tofloat ( const char *  str,
float *  out 

◆ str_toint() [1/2]

int str_toint ( const char *  str)

◆ str_toint() [2/2]

bool str_toint ( const char *  str,
int *  out 

◆ str_toint64_base()

int64_t str_toint64_base ( const char *  str,
int  base = 10 

◆ str_toint_base()

int str_toint_base ( const char *  str,
int  base 

◆ str_toulong_base()

unsigned long str_toulong_base ( const char *  str,
int  base 

◆ str_uppercase()

char str_uppercase ( char  c)

◆ str_utf32_dist_buffer()

int str_utf32_dist_buffer ( const int *  a,
int  a_len,
const int *  b,
int  b_len,
int *  buf,
int  buf_len 

◆ str_utf8_check()

int str_utf8_check ( const char *  str)

◆ str_utf8_comp_confusable()

int str_utf8_comp_confusable ( const char *  str1,
const char *  str2 

◆ str_utf8_comp_nocase()

int str_utf8_comp_nocase ( const char *  a,
const char *  b 

◆ str_utf8_comp_nocase_num()

int str_utf8_comp_nocase_num ( const char *  a,
const char *  b,
int  num 

◆ str_utf8_copy_num()

void str_utf8_copy_num ( char *  dst,
const char *  src,
int  dst_size,
int  num 

◆ str_utf8_decode()

int str_utf8_decode ( const char **  ptr)

◆ str_utf8_dist()

int str_utf8_dist ( const char *  a,
const char *  b 

Computes the edit distance between two strings.

aFirst string for the edit distance.
bSecond string for the edit distance.
The edit distance between the both strings.
The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.

◆ str_utf8_encode()

int str_utf8_encode ( char *  ptr,
int  chr 

◆ str_utf8_find_nocase()

const char * str_utf8_find_nocase ( const char *  haystack,
const char *  needle,
const char **  end = nullptr 

◆ str_utf8_fix_truncation()

int str_utf8_fix_truncation ( char *  str)

◆ str_utf8_forward()

int str_utf8_forward ( const char *  str,
int  cursor 

◆ str_utf8_isspace()

int str_utf8_isspace ( int  code)

◆ str_utf8_isstart()

int str_utf8_isstart ( char  c)

◆ str_utf8_offset_bytes_to_chars()

size_t str_utf8_offset_bytes_to_chars ( const char *  str,
size_t  byte_offset 

Converts a byte offset of a utf8 string to the utf8 character offset.

textPointer to the string.
byte_offsetOffset in bytes.
Offset in utf8 characters. Clamped to the maximum length of the string in utf8 characters.
The string is treated as a zero-terminated utf8 string.
It's the user's responsibility to make sure the bounds are aligned.

◆ str_utf8_offset_chars_to_bytes()

size_t str_utf8_offset_chars_to_bytes ( const char *  str,
size_t  char_offset 

Converts a utf8 character offset of a utf8 string to the byte offset.

textPointer to the string.
char_offsetOffset in utf8 characters.
Offset in bytes. Clamped to the maximum length of the string in bytes.
The string is treated as a zero-terminated utf8 string.
It's the user's responsibility to make sure the bounds are aligned.

◆ str_utf8_rewind()

int str_utf8_rewind ( const char *  str,
int  cursor 

◆ str_utf8_skip_whitespaces()

const char * str_utf8_skip_whitespaces ( const char *  str)

◆ str_utf8_stats()

void str_utf8_stats ( const char *  str,
size_t  max_size,
size_t  max_count,
size_t *  size,
size_t *  count 

◆ str_utf8_to_skeleton()

int str_utf8_to_skeleton ( const char *  str,
int *  buf,
int  buf_len 

◆ str_utf8_tolower()

int str_utf8_tolower ( int  code)

◆ str_utf8_trim_right()

void str_utf8_trim_right ( char *  param)

◆ swap_endian()

void swap_endian ( void *  data,
unsigned  elem_size,
unsigned  num 

Swaps the endianness of data. Each element is swapped individually by reversing its bytes.

dataPointer to data to be swapped.
elem_sizeSize in bytes of each element.
numNumber of elements.
The caller must ensure that the data is at least elem_size * num bytes in size.

◆ timestamp_from_str()

bool timestamp_from_str ( const char *  string,
const char *  format,
time_t *  timestamp 

Parses a string into a timestamp following a specified format.

stringPointer to the string to parse
formatThe time format to use (for example FORMAT_NOSPACE below)
timestampPointer to the timestamp result
true on success, false if the string could not be parsed with the specified format

◆ uint_to_bytes_be()

void uint_to_bytes_be ( unsigned char *  bytes,
unsigned  value 

Packs an unsigned into 4 big endian bytes.

bytesPointer to an array where the bytes will be stored.
valueThe values that will be packed into the array.
Assumes the passed array is least 4 bytes in size.
Assumes unsigned is 4 bytes in size.
See also

Variable Documentation

