DDraceNetwork Docs
#include <graphics.h>
Classes | |
struct | CColorVertex |
struct | CFreeformItem |
struct | CLineItem |
struct | CQuadItem |
class | CTextureHandle |
struct | SRenderSpriteInfo |
Public Types | |
enum | { TEXLOAD_TO_3D_TEXTURE = 1 << 0 , TEXLOAD_TO_2D_ARRAY_TEXTURE = 1 << 1 , TEXLOAD_NO_2D_TEXTURE = 1 << 2 } |
enum | EBufferObjectCreateFlags { BUFFER_OBJECT_CREATE_FLAGS_ONE_TIME_USE_BIT = 1 << 0 } |
Public Member Functions | |
int | ScreenWidth () const |
int | ScreenHeight () const |
float | ScreenAspect () const |
float | ScreenHiDPIScale () const |
int | WindowWidth () const |
int | WindowHeight () const |
virtual void | WarnPngliteIncompatibleImages (bool Warn)=0 |
virtual void | SetWindowParams (int FullscreenMode, bool IsBorderless)=0 |
virtual bool | SetWindowScreen (int Index)=0 |
virtual bool | SetVSync (bool State)=0 |
virtual bool | SetMultiSampling (uint32_t ReqMultiSamplingCount, uint32_t &MultiSamplingCountBackend)=0 |
virtual int | GetWindowScreen ()=0 |
virtual void | Move (int x, int y)=0 |
virtual bool | Resize (int w, int h, int RefreshRate)=0 |
virtual void | ResizeToScreen ()=0 |
virtual void | GotResized (int w, int h, int RefreshRate)=0 |
virtual void | UpdateViewport (int X, int Y, int W, int H, bool ByResize)=0 |
virtual void | AddWindowResizeListener (WINDOW_RESIZE_FUNC pFunc)=0 |
virtual void | AddWindowPropChangeListener (WINDOW_PROPS_CHANGED_FUNC pFunc)=0 |
virtual void | WindowDestroyNtf (uint32_t WindowId)=0 |
virtual void | WindowCreateNtf (uint32_t WindowId)=0 |
virtual void | Clear (float r, float g, float b, bool ForceClearNow=false)=0 |
virtual void | ClipEnable (int x, int y, int w, int h)=0 |
virtual void | ClipDisable ()=0 |
virtual void | MapScreen (float TopLeftX, float TopLeftY, float BottomRightX, float BottomRightY)=0 |
virtual void | GetScreen (float *pTopLeftX, float *pTopLeftY, float *pBottomRightX, float *pBottomRightY)=0 |
virtual void | BlendNone ()=0 |
virtual void | BlendNormal ()=0 |
virtual void | BlendAdditive ()=0 |
virtual void | WrapNormal ()=0 |
virtual void | WrapClamp ()=0 |
virtual uint64_t | TextureMemoryUsage () const =0 |
virtual uint64_t | BufferMemoryUsage () const =0 |
virtual uint64_t | StreamedMemoryUsage () const =0 |
virtual uint64_t | StagingMemoryUsage () const =0 |
virtual const TTwGraphicsGpuList & | GetGpus () const =0 |
virtual bool | LoadPng (CImageInfo &Image, const char *pFilename, int StorageType)=0 |
virtual bool | LoadPng (CImageInfo &Image, const uint8_t *pData, size_t DataSize, const char *pContextName)=0 |
virtual bool | CheckImageDivisibility (const char *pContextName, CImageInfo &Image, int DivX, int DivY, bool AllowResize)=0 |
virtual bool | IsImageFormatRgba (const char *pContextName, const CImageInfo &Image)=0 |
virtual void | UnloadTexture (CTextureHandle *pIndex)=0 |
virtual CTextureHandle | LoadTextureRaw (const CImageInfo &Image, int Flags, const char *pTexName=nullptr)=0 |
virtual CTextureHandle | LoadTextureRawMove (CImageInfo &Image, int Flags, const char *pTexName=nullptr)=0 |
virtual CTextureHandle | LoadTexture (const char *pFilename, int StorageType, int Flags=0)=0 |
virtual void | TextureSet (CTextureHandle Texture)=0 |
void | TextureClear () |
virtual bool | LoadTextTextures (size_t Width, size_t Height, CTextureHandle &TextTexture, CTextureHandle &TextOutlineTexture, uint8_t *pTextData, uint8_t *pTextOutlineData)=0 |
virtual bool | UnloadTextTextures (CTextureHandle &TextTexture, CTextureHandle &TextOutlineTexture)=0 |
virtual bool | UpdateTextTexture (CTextureHandle TextureId, int x, int y, size_t Width, size_t Height, uint8_t *pData, bool IsMovedPointer)=0 |
virtual CTextureHandle | LoadSpriteTexture (const CImageInfo &FromImageInfo, const struct CDataSprite *pSprite)=0 |
virtual bool | IsImageSubFullyTransparent (const CImageInfo &FromImageInfo, int x, int y, int w, int h)=0 |
virtual bool | IsSpriteTextureFullyTransparent (const CImageInfo &FromImageInfo, const struct CDataSprite *pSprite)=0 |
virtual void | FlushVertices (bool KeepVertices=false)=0 |
virtual void | FlushVerticesTex3D ()=0 |
virtual void | RenderTileLayer (int BufferContainerIndex, const ColorRGBA &Color, char **pOffsets, unsigned int *pIndicedVertexDrawNum, size_t NumIndicesOffset)=0 |
virtual void | RenderBorderTiles (int BufferContainerIndex, const ColorRGBA &Color, char *pIndexBufferOffset, const vec2 &Offset, const vec2 &Scale, uint32_t DrawNum)=0 |
virtual void | RenderQuadLayer (int BufferContainerIndex, SQuadRenderInfo *pQuadInfo, size_t QuadNum, int QuadOffset)=0 |
virtual void | RenderText (int BufferContainerIndex, int TextQuadNum, int TextureSize, int TextureTextIndex, int TextureTextOutlineIndex, const ColorRGBA &TextColor, const ColorRGBA &TextOutlineColor)=0 |
virtual int | CreateBufferObject (size_t UploadDataSize, void *pUploadData, int CreateFlags, bool IsMovedPointer=false)=0 |
virtual void | RecreateBufferObject (int BufferIndex, size_t UploadDataSize, void *pUploadData, int CreateFlags, bool IsMovedPointer=false)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteBufferObject (int BufferIndex)=0 |
virtual int | CreateBufferContainer (struct SBufferContainerInfo *pContainerInfo)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteBufferContainer (int &ContainerIndex, bool DestroyAllBO=true)=0 |
virtual void | IndicesNumRequiredNotify (unsigned int RequiredIndicesCount)=0 |
virtual bool | GetDriverVersion (EGraphicsDriverAgeType DriverAgeType, int &Major, int &Minor, int &Patch, const char *&pName, EBackendType BackendType)=0 |
virtual bool | IsConfigModernAPI ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsTileBufferingEnabled ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsQuadBufferingEnabled ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsTextBufferingEnabled ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsQuadContainerBufferingEnabled ()=0 |
virtual bool | Uses2DTextureArrays ()=0 |
virtual bool | HasTextureArraysSupport ()=0 |
virtual const char * | GetVendorString ()=0 |
virtual const char * | GetVersionString ()=0 |
virtual const char * | GetRendererString ()=0 |
virtual void | LinesBegin ()=0 |
virtual void | LinesEnd ()=0 |
virtual void | LinesDraw (const CLineItem *pArray, int Num)=0 |
virtual void | QuadsBegin ()=0 |
virtual void | QuadsEnd ()=0 |
virtual void | QuadsTex3DBegin ()=0 |
virtual void | QuadsTex3DEnd ()=0 |
virtual void | TrianglesBegin ()=0 |
virtual void | TrianglesEnd ()=0 |
virtual void | QuadsEndKeepVertices ()=0 |
virtual void | QuadsDrawCurrentVertices (bool KeepVertices=true)=0 |
virtual void | QuadsSetRotation (float Angle)=0 |
virtual void | QuadsSetSubset (float TopLeftU, float TopLeftV, float BottomRightU, float BottomRightV)=0 |
virtual void | QuadsSetSubsetFree (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, int Index=-1)=0 |
virtual void | QuadsDraw (CQuadItem *pArray, int Num)=0 |
virtual void | QuadsDrawTL (const CQuadItem *pArray, int Num)=0 |
virtual void | QuadsTex3DDrawTL (const CQuadItem *pArray, int Num)=0 |
virtual int | CreateQuadContainer (bool AutomaticUpload=true)=0 |
virtual void | QuadContainerChangeAutomaticUpload (int ContainerIndex, bool AutomaticUpload)=0 |
virtual void | QuadContainerUpload (int ContainerIndex)=0 |
virtual int | QuadContainerAddQuads (int ContainerIndex, CQuadItem *pArray, int Num)=0 |
virtual int | QuadContainerAddQuads (int ContainerIndex, CFreeformItem *pArray, int Num)=0 |
virtual void | QuadContainerReset (int ContainerIndex)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteQuadContainer (int &ContainerIndex)=0 |
virtual void | RenderQuadContainer (int ContainerIndex, int QuadDrawNum)=0 |
virtual void | RenderQuadContainer (int ContainerIndex, int QuadOffset, int QuadDrawNum, bool ChangeWrapMode=true)=0 |
virtual void | RenderQuadContainerEx (int ContainerIndex, int QuadOffset, int QuadDrawNum, float X, float Y, float ScaleX=1.f, float ScaleY=1.f)=0 |
virtual void | RenderQuadContainerAsSprite (int ContainerIndex, int QuadOffset, float X, float Y, float ScaleX=1.f, float ScaleY=1.f)=0 |
virtual void | RenderQuadContainerAsSpriteMultiple (int ContainerIndex, int QuadOffset, int DrawCount, SRenderSpriteInfo *pRenderInfo)=0 |
virtual void | QuadsDrawFreeform (const CFreeformItem *pArray, int Num)=0 |
virtual void | QuadsText (float x, float y, float Size, const char *pText)=0 |
virtual void | DrawRectExt (float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, int Corners)=0 |
virtual void | DrawRectExt4 (float x, float y, float w, float h, ColorRGBA ColorTopLeft, ColorRGBA ColorTopRight, ColorRGBA ColorBottomLeft, ColorRGBA ColorBottomRight, float r, int Corners)=0 |
virtual int | CreateRectQuadContainer (float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, int Corners)=0 |
virtual void | DrawRect (float x, float y, float w, float h, ColorRGBA Color, int Corners, float Rounding)=0 |
virtual void | DrawRect4 (float x, float y, float w, float h, ColorRGBA ColorTopLeft, ColorRGBA ColorTopRight, ColorRGBA ColorBottomLeft, ColorRGBA ColorBottomRight, int Corners, float Rounding)=0 |
virtual void | DrawCircle (float CenterX, float CenterY, float Radius, int Segments)=0 |
virtual void | SetColorVertex (const CColorVertex *pArray, size_t Num)=0 |
virtual void | SetColor (float r, float g, float b, float a)=0 |
virtual void | SetColor (ColorRGBA Color)=0 |
virtual void | SetColor4 (ColorRGBA TopLeft, ColorRGBA TopRight, ColorRGBA BottomLeft, ColorRGBA BottomRight)=0 |
virtual void | ChangeColorOfCurrentQuadVertices (float r, float g, float b, float a)=0 |
virtual void | ChangeColorOfQuadVertices (size_t QuadOffset, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)=0 |
virtual void | ReadPixel (ivec2 Position, ColorRGBA *pColor)=0 |
virtual void | TakeScreenshot (const char *pFilename)=0 |
virtual void | TakeCustomScreenshot (const char *pFilename)=0 |
virtual int | GetVideoModes (CVideoMode *pModes, int MaxModes, int Screen)=0 |
virtual void | GetCurrentVideoMode (CVideoMode &CurMode, int Screen)=0 |
virtual void | Swap ()=0 |
virtual int | GetNumScreens () const =0 |
virtual const char * | GetScreenName (int Screen) const =0 |
virtual void | InsertSignal (class CSemaphore *pSemaphore)=0 |
virtual bool | IsIdle () const =0 |
virtual void | WaitForIdle ()=0 |
virtual void | SetWindowGrab (bool Grab)=0 |
virtual void | NotifyWindow ()=0 |
virtual TGLBackendReadPresentedImageData & | GetReadPresentedImageDataFuncUnsafe ()=0 |
virtual std::optional< SWarning > | CurrentWarning ()=0 |
virtual bool | ShowMessageBox (unsigned Type, const char *pTitle, const char *pMsg)=0 |
virtual bool | IsBackendInitialized ()=0 |
![]() | |
IInterface () | |
virtual void | Shutdown () |
virtual | ~IInterface () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static const char * | InterfaceName () |
Protected Member Functions | |
CTextureHandle | CreateTextureHandle (int Index) |
![]() | |
IKernel * | Kernel () |
Protected Attributes | |
int | m_ScreenWidth |
int | m_ScreenHeight |
int | m_ScreenRefreshRate |
float | m_ScreenHiDPIScale |
anonymous enum |
pure virtual |
Listens to various window property changes, such as minimize, maximize, move, fullscreen mode
Implemented in CGraphics_Threaded.
pure virtual |
Listens to a resize event of the canvas, which is usually caused by a window resize. Will only be triggered if the actual size changed.
Implemented in CGraphics_Threaded.
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Implemented in CGraphics_Threaded.
Reads the color at the specified position from the backbuffer once, after the next swap operation.
Position | The pixel position to read. |
pColor | Pointer that will receive the read pixel color. The pointer must be valid until the next swap operation. |
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protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |