Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:
- f -
- f2fx() : math.h
- f2fxt() : editor.cpp
- FakeQueue : gameworld.cpp
- FAKETUNE_FREEZE : character.h
- FAKETUNE_JETPACK : character.h
- FAKETUNE_NOCOLL : character.h
- FAKETUNE_NOHAMMER : character.h
- FAKETUNE_NOHOOK : character.h
- FAKETUNE_NOJUMP : character.h
- FAKETUNE_SOLO : character.h
- FButtonActiveCallback : quick_action.h
- FButtonClickCallback : quick_action.h
- FButtonColorCallback : quick_action.h
- FButtonDisabledCallback : quick_action.h
- FDropdownRenderCallback : editor.h
- FetchAndroidServerCommandQueue() : gameworld.cpp
- FillTmpTile() : maplayers.cpp
- FillTmpTileSpeedup() : maplayers.cpp
- find_next_power_of_two_minus_one() : system.cpp
- FindEnv() : map_find_env.cpp
- FIndexModifyFunction : editor.h, layer.h
- FindSuperPixelSize() : map_create_pixelart.cpp
- FLAG_ATSTAND : protocol.h
- FLAG_MISSING : protocol.h
- FLAG_TAKEN : protocol.h
- FONT_NAME_SIZE : text.cpp
- FONT_SIZE : console.cpp, editor_server_settings.cpp, infomessages.cpp
- for() : prediction.txt
- FORMAT_NOSPACE : system.h
- FORMAT_SPACE : system.h
- FORMAT_TIME : system.h
- FormatMapDownloadFilename() : client.cpp
- FormatPngliteIncompatibilityWarning() : graphics_threaded.cpp
- FormatServerbrowserPing() : menus_browser.cpp
- FormatUuid() : uuid_manager.h, uuid_manager.cpp
- FRAME_NUM : video.cpp
- fs_chdir() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_file_time() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_filename() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_getcwd() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_is_dir() : system.h, system.cpp
- fs_is_file() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_is_relative_path() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_listdir() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_listdir_fileinfo() : system.h, system.cpp
- fs_makedir() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_makedir_rec_for() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_parent_dir() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_remove() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_removedir() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_rename() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_split_file_extension() : system.cpp, system.h
- fs_storage_path() : system.cpp, system.h
- FuzzyMatch() : prompt.cpp
- fx2f() : math.h
- fx2i() : math.h
- fxpscale : math.h
- fxt2f() : editor.cpp
- FxToTilePos() : map_find_env.cpp